Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Monday, January 31, 2011

OMG, Nowadays I'm crazy with the korean pop again
What I mean here is those cool songs
last time I prefer more romantic and melancholic song
Now I'm crazy with those MV again!!!
Feel like learning dance again haha!
This feeling comes back to my mind again~ xD

Ok, here is the list of song which I like the most :
B2ST - Shock
B2ST - Soom!
B2ST - Beautiful
2PM - I'll be back

Lucifer MV dance is too sophisticated liao
so it's not included here xD
sorry ya ... for those SHINEe's freak =.=
Hehe, I really did go youtube watch their MV
and study their dance moves
Lucifer is the hardest.
Even you watch slow downed and mirrored version of MV
You can't learn it also =.=
Need to watch long tutorial video to learn

HM... Yesterday have a 'nice' day with yean mei
we were playing audition while webcaming haha!
whatever I want to tell her
I just opened my mouth and speak
while playing audition
without typing a single words in the game
so fun man
but today she said she not feeling well
and she kept her laptop =.=
D: ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Life still go on... as normal
well, this is my life ;dan ( Audi expression < )
Every day when I take a step into my house
the first thing I will do is play with my nephew
and keep calling out his nicknames xD
after that, I will change my clothes and have lunch
then I will rest awhile and take a "short" afternoon nap

And I'm still watching Pink Lipstick OST
xD. the drama reach its climax
and this is the moment which I've been waiting for
how Jia En will take revenge for her misfortune xD

Tomorrow I will be going to Jusco with my mum again
to buy clothes maybe
Aww =.= nowadays my blog style seems so boring =.=
is it the language problem or what -.-!

OYA Beford I forget, I just twisted my left hand on Monday
Haizzz, sad lor
I don't remember much how I fell down
but what I remember was
I'm running towards the ball to kick it randomly to the front
coz maybe my friend is in front
I kept on running, but still can't get the ball
until I saw someone with orange koko shirt is also running towards the ball
which is in the opposite of my direction
Though, I kicked the ball to the front before him
and on the spur of the moment I lifted my leg to kick the ball to the front
He ambushed me and deliver a strong momentum to my body ( p = mv hor... xD )
Within a short time of impact, the large momentum...
causes me to fly away not higher than 50 cm
I heard my friend I did a 90~180 rotation in mid-air
aiya, this isn't important
When I'm on the verge of falling,
I acted by instinct by using my left hand to land first
or else my whole arm and head will get hurt
and so... My hand got twisted =.=
so damn bad luck!!!
Monday is my bad day T__T

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Yo! I'm back to blogging again :D
hm before that
I would like to say that
I'll try my best to use proper English in my post
and practice a non-broken-English writing skill :)

Today I just went to take road safety rules test
First, the drive will come to ur home and fetch you
So, the drive came and fetched me and I arrived there sharp at 10
who knows?
I waited until 1.30 p.m. only my turn to go in the room for test
So, 4 p.m. I only reached home lor..
Hm, actually this time was a success also
I got 48/50 ^^
And I'm the fastest who 'in and out' from the room
Coz I did it damn fast without second check mah... xD
And everyone is also very shocked haha
and lastly I felt kinda shuang coz..
I'm the youngest there xD

YES! Finally passed the test
My next resolution is study first
and wait until my birthday
then only will proceed further for LDL license
Wish me luck ya ;love ( it's an facial expression in AuditionSEA Online Dancing Game )
Ignore it if u do not grasp it or what ^^

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Scientists say that the time for earth to orbit around the Sun
is decreasing each year
and it's estimated that after 100 million years
1 year is equivalent to 312 days only ( is about 310 to 320, i 4got sorry =.= )
but why nowadays I feel like the cruel time
passing so fast?!
I have this kind of feeling since Form 4 leh lol....
really have no time to do so much thing instead of study

OK, I have alot to share ^^
Aww!! SO buay song my mum T__T
my bro bought a handbag for her haha.
RM399, then I said : u shuang lor
NVM! My bro also said will give me RM300 to buy CNY clothes
then I whisper to my mum : too little le barh? /_\
then she said : so greedy for what?
LOL zadao haha..
wah, her 1 hand bag for me can buy so many clothes and things ler T_T

Just now I shut down my comp d
but then I 4got that I havent post a blog LOL!
So now I'm posting :D

So fast... Tomorrow is Monday ler T_T
Tuesday and Friday got sukan practise from 4 to 5.30 zz
damn sian and fan la!
I feel damn tired everytime after sch. haizzz
nvm la... 1 more year only .. haha
Though I always won't forget to smile :)

sian, My audi time really very less liao
and most important is
Idk why even weekends I also don't have the time
to watch my drama ! =.= zzzz
Now.. I'm still ina dilemma that
Should I give up chinese? LOL
Anyway, get a B+ satisfy me liao lol.
coz.. I watched the korean drama
got a 'quote' I damn like
that's is 'Giving up is a type of habit'
'once u get use to it, maybe u gave up before in the past'
this quote keep repeating in my mind....
I like this quote, this is very motivative for me :)
Okla I go sleep liao =.=
just masking :P

Sunday, January 9, 2011

today is a damn tiring day.
7am wake up to prepare d =.=
yesterday also same time woke up
coz go sch help teachers earn markah kelakuan ^^

Hm let's talk about today
today I 7.45 waiting for the kancil d =.=
8.15 only come, waited so long =.=
about 8.30 arrived at perling d
the place to do our driving thingy
those not important things I will just skip^^
hm, leong and vincent arrivied earlier than me
but who knows?
Leo's room full d, so we not listening to lecture together d
the ppl ask me go another room
T___T that time I really feel lonely :x
but at last, the room full until vincent also came my room haha
so got ppl pei me le lor

During the lectures, at 1st quite fun de
but at last very boring
coz lecturer need to change one
and damn shuang, coz we 2 are the youngest there ^^V
During the 2nd lecturer give lecture time
I really feel like sleeping =.=
so different with the first one.
the way the 1st one talks is so interesting and humourous :)

can't wait to drive ler :x
but have to pass undang 1st la.
today damn tired x.x
have to sleep earlier .

Thursday, January 6, 2011

lol today I posted again ^^
Thanks miss yusma for viewing :D

er.. 4th day of sch? xD
tomorrow is a day which every await
coz finally come to a break :)
aww I'm so lucky
I try so hard to persuade my mum to let me take undang exam
then she say ok lor.
so this sunday maybe go perling listen ~~~

Pn, Norsiah is damn pro ^^
she finishes add math chapter 1 today :)
thumbs up for her
btw, I really like Add Maths
so 'Handsome, Godly, Cool and Fun'
it's like a game sia ^^
I like to do complicated questions
coz.. it's like a game LOL
SO I learned Arithmetic Progressions and Geometric Progressions
:D Love die you, add maths, muacks

It seems like I everyday also got revise wor?
I hope it's not temporary one lors...
Hope I continue to be hardworking in the latter =.=

Hm, so my boring life starts again
5am wake up, come back home no need 5 mins can sleep in the afternoon d
then at night do homework + revise + songs~ + Facebook
but no Audition, coz it will make the time pass faster =.=

Btw, thanks yean mei for making me ...
realise that tagging is really no life =.=
I'm happy that I'm not addicted to it anymore
this yearn SPM, cannot like that liao
cos lv high in Audition also no use, real life sucks + noob
Btw, I'm also very happy that my gaming time
eventually... shorten LOL
Erm, Is ceases LOL!
Know cease what meaning hor?
I'm so happy with it
I also dk why I become like that? ︿︿
Maybe mature le bah? HAHA jk :x

Okla i go play city ville, then go sleep liao
Ty for the moral support teacher :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

er hm. today 1st day of school
but something stupid + sohai happen
make me no mood ...
i also feel like scolding MCB!
That time is after school end de =.=

ok let's talk how's sch today
normal.. back to normal life again D:
but in the class damn shuang haha
coz we keep talk.
I tot my friends forgot me le wor?
but still the same, like to do me =.=
and we talk alot wakakaks
Today Bong came our class
but no one talked to him, except tiu and mathan
damn bad hor they all?
I quite know the feeling lor..
nvm... hope he will adapt well in our class haha

hm... the 'haha' time have to end
U know mah? after school
queue up in koperasi to buy notebooks
the ppl do work dao so slow
wasai. like that in singapore sure ppl complain liao lor.
ok.. more worse de still got
then I go out telephone my mum lor, ask her fetch me
then at outside ... haizz.. the stupid tele booth eat my money la!!!
And then I no money liao lor.. how telephone? T_T
Borrow friend lor..
ok then borrow friend, go in sch find anther telephone booth
telephone my mum lor.
then hor.. suddenly the sky rain like very heavy
erm.. is damn heavy LOL
then nvm lor.. wait there lor
heavy dao stand in sch also will become wetty zzzz
sian die.
and this thing is the worst in my life
want know mah? ( dun laugh me hor )
When I'm standing in the school hor
My friend said got a '....' ou my bag leh?
Then I ask them faster help me removed it.
after that. I really very no mood d ... HAIzZZ!
My Bag so fragrant + no snack
how come will have that kind of thing
Haiz, I really hope this stupid creature WILL EXTINCT IN THIS WORLD!
Then this weekends I want wash my bag ler T___T
dirty bitch.