Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tears gushing out to my eyes
clouded both of my eyes
until my eyes can't hold anymore tears
they start to flow out involuntarily
creating a stream of tiny droplets
glinting off any light rays that fall on it
watery and yet salty
maybe it signifies the emotion that has been suppressed too long
So I let it be .
I shed tears because of exams
I'd never done that before.
And why I feel so low to the extent of shedding tears?
Maybe STPM meant a lot to me

How ridiculous am I ...
People say exam is not everything
I guess Albert Einstein's grades were quite poor during his school days
but then at the end
he had himself toiling in his own world
and finally he formulated the equation E = mc2
yes, maybe exam is not everything, maybe for him
but I do not want to have the same life as him
so EXAM meant a lot to me D:

Haiz, I really feel that
God had me fooled
in a very ridiculous and cruel way  
But for the time being, for now, for this instant
I'll just let my tears flow ..
For this is the only means that can make me stronger.

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