Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, September 22, 2012

It has not been a smooth sailing nowadays haiz
Have to deal with so much psychological changes that are happening in me
Emotional changes, perception towards life and girls ...

Speaking of girl
YQR is becoming prettier and prettier /.\
I don't know why I think that she's pretty!
Maybe it's because she has boyfriend le barh?! haha
Hope she becomes fat fat la!

Another girl again
Same class with me de is becoming hotter and hotter also /.\
My perception =.=
Is it because she has had a broken relationship before? :x Sorry ah Droisyer
Haizzz, this is the changes that I've to deal with ><

Nowadays I'm really stress with my studies
know what?
And comes the real one in this November
It would be better if it's so easy to give up in this case haiz
But wait,
the real life of mine hasn't start yet
So I can't give up right now!

Haizz, I'm tired. really :(
When can I stop all these miseries?  
Tomorrow tuition again after a sleepy Saturday schooling day

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