Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How time flies
I do remember the time when I'd finished Bio test in SPM
the joy
the urge to break free
the urge to soar
the urge to roam into the sky
for I'd been too tired preparing for this test
which now only I realized that it's just...
a piece of useless toiletries
And my naivete makes me to think that
this is the end :) THE END ...
But later, to my astonishment, this is only the beginning ...
I'd been too naive that time ...  
You may laugh at me :)

so the story jumps to the severe depression that struck me so badly
that money rules the world, and it'd never stop ruling the world
Until dooms day, shall I say? Maybe.
So do hatred, desires, a will to outwit others begin to take their roots in me...
And I feel as if...
I was die a naive boy, and reborn another phoenix that's ready to strike at any time

the fact that people around me are typically despicable and idiotic as they're
never change
and I do hope that this fact doesn't change at all
and I'm waiting for my chance to ourstand, outwit, outlast and outsmart them
I'm still holding on to the faith that God is fair :)
and He is simply too fair
thanks for giving me a brain, though not very genious
I don't blame for giving me a diminutive stature ( I'm just trying to be humourous )

The world is changing
despite the fact that the people are still idiotic
I've been too complacent during this holiday
I think I shall start to work out something else
before everyone outwits me.

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