Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Do you believe in dooms day?
which is just 3 more days ahead?
Well, I've no opinion, but I just feel....
very very resigned...
What if there's dooms day...

Have been rotting at home
reading novels, online-ing...
which only left my mind go haywire

Knowing that dooms day is just "around the corner"
Suddenly I feel a pang of sorrow and pathetic
Seriously, I don't dread death .
What I dread the most is
even before death, I'm not willing to face death
there are a hell lot more of things which I have not done yet D:
My success
My love 

After all
all my fear revolves around a timeless reality :
I can't put mortal happiness aside >< 
Sometimes I hope my soul never exists 
for I'm too tired living 
in this corrupted world >< 
Before I'm dead, I'll live my life to the fullest :) 

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