Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, March 26, 2011

nowadays music had stolen my soul T__T
I'm addicted to music again!
why I want to stop learning violin since Form 1?!
here are some songs which I really like :
1) Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata
2) Banya - Beethoven Virus
3) Patchabel - Canon in D

very nice one, if you love music sure know all the musics~
today I didn't know why am I feeling nervous again D:
the choir was ok,
but the violin part
I think didn't play until very good lor D:
In the beginning still ok
but at the last part my hearbeat beat until very fast leh!
and the force generated by it
transmitted to my legs D:
hands and legs shivering, pro ya? D: .....
But nvm, it's a good experience
I don't think I have chance to
participate such thing in such occasion ler D: ...
Nowadays I found the true of myself
I love musics xD!

Let's talk about other things D: .
I got abit sad lor.
the Bola Tampar stupid sports
It didn't work out what I expected to be =.=
I want to be Bendahari (Treasurer)
But other people did ler D: ..
I only be AJK Form 5..
haiz nvm la this is just a school.
then I suddenly realised something when I came back home
I saw my mum sitting on the sofa eating things
I realised that the world
is not gonna end
or whatever.. the sun will still glow brightly
the earth will still spin
in spite of my failure =.=
nvm la I suddenly laughed when I'm writing this blog. lol
ok I will voice out how I feel ah
do you really think you're that success
that you're being elected to be many many positions
in ur curricular activities in sch? LOL LMAO =.=
Please change this kind of lifeless, nonsense thinking
when you come to this meritocracy world faggots =.=
people work hard, OT everyday, work on Sunday
do research until late midnight
to do their best in their project
only can get what they want
for example ( Manager or CEO or group leader in some company )
:D !

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today I went Jusco~
Besides buying some work book for SPM
I also bought a book called 'Holy Bible'
the book is like so nice to me leh :D
and the cover is like.. so godly :D
I don't think I will have much time reading this book
But 1 page a day is possible barh?

And my mum bought a handphone for me leh :D
aiya not very fashionable one.
But at least can call / msg people mah :P

Friday, March 11, 2011

WOO HOO! Holiday!!
ER HM. /.\
It's not as good as we expected earlier.. D:
Coz we need to attend the stupid extra class
from 7.30 to 12.30
the funniest thing that happen in my life is that
Sunday is a school day?
OMFG =.=
Lame + Funny
Saturday going to celebrate my mum's birthday leh
so got abit no mood come ler =.=
and 1 more thing
after extra class need practice the stupid singing also
Haizz, hope faster SPM barh!
Like that our miserable life can only come to an end!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Everyone in the class thought that it was the screaming sound
which made by the mentally disorder students.
But soon the screaming sound perpetuate. . . endlessly . .
Now, everyone has fallen into a state of perplexity and confusion,
I guessed that everyone was thinking
" who the hell on earth makes such an unorthodox sound "
Without much hesitation, everyone rushed out from the classroom
to find out what the fuss was happening...

It was what happen in SMKTD today =.=
Is it consider a contagious phenomenon? =.=
So rare leh..
but actually it's not terrible at all xD
Many people fell victim to this 'thing'
And I heard that majority of the victims
are malay girls and indians
But the funny thing was.
This incident happened too early D:.
It supposed to happen after holiday mah D:
like that our school will be close for a couple of days
But next week holiday.. no use =.=

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nowadays I'm really busy D:
So many activities in school D:
and need to practice violin for quoir D:
I'm really diffident with my violin playing skills haiz
coz you know that Grace is very choosy
even she could spot the slightest mistake D:
nvm, treat it normally~
But if she's the on who points out, it's ok
the big problem is
Miss noraini will be supervising =.=
I don't dare to make any mistakes.

Today rain again argh!
means no club bola tampar practise D;
What I'm so fanatic about is
the president, treasurer, secretary.. etc . position are still vacant
So I must attend, in order to be elected to be something else
Got so many Form 4's know each other
do we form 5.. the infamous one stand a chance ?
haizz I don't know.
But thank God that I'm secretary in history club :)
Felt contented already D:.

ok, let's talk about some funny thing~
Today I went to 'pink'
That's the name my niece gave one.
what she meant is her ballad dancing lesson xD
And the teacher.. you know?
in the car, my mum said that got 1 teacher kinda pretty
another one not pretty
then I taunted her not to be so mean
by saying other people 'not pretty'
Actually the girl teacher really pretty
She wore ballad suit ... haha
her body is also as fit as a fiddle :D
okla =.= that's all
in conclusion, for me.
she's a mature version of someone else... LOL!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Today I went to 'big mouth' with VT, his baby, and Gary
noob Banana and xian qian put aeroplane
(let me use broken english this time :D )

very funny.
when I get VT's msg to come out quickly
I was bathing
and then he called me and reminded me to bring my IC =.=
And I use sometime to search it =.=
and he keep sms me to be more faster
Then I walk like a bolt of lightning to my house's guardhouse
hehe, I saw a red car is waiting there ler :P
then I go in!

Ok, arrived there liao
Cost us 3 ppl RM 11
OK. nvm. Vincent paid 1st
then after that, he told me to divide RM11 by 2
I was like... =.=?!
nvm I let this go, coz he never take account of his baby =.=!

By the way we arrived there, Gary already waiting there haha
then we go in .
order drinks.
and sing.. and put songs also :)
All the chinese songs they chose Idk how to sing =.=
only a few I know.
But I grabbed the chance to choose Korean song also
the songs are :
SM The Ballad - Missing You
FT Triple - Love letter
2AM - You wouldn't answer my call
and I solo all, coz they don't know how to read korean
no alphabet romanization, only pure korean words.
nvm lor :P show off to them

Something funny happen there also
which is hard to describe :P
me and Gary kept on going toilet
let VT and his baby inside
Then we came in again

when we finished singing
we did the same thing to them again
coz 6.30 gary's mum came to fetch him le
so I tumpang his car
and left they 2 alone again~

-The End-

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I just read someone's funny blog
about hot girls =.=
too bad I can't imagine. LOL
laugh die me! :P

And my blog is like many of my classmates are viewing =.=
nvm help me promote abit barh :P
but I'm not that free
can every time comes up with a good story =.=

I found a girl very attractive nowadays
after she spoke korean LOL :x :x :x :x :x
coz she gave me a sense of 'korean-girl-ness'
as the chinese saying goes : 韩国妹
Aiya, very fast then I'll forgot de lar :P
My 'idol' ( << I don't know a suitable word for this =.= )
is always changing one mah =.=

By the way, nowadays I'm like becoming very sluggish =.=
every day after finish my homework then I play computer =.=
no revision at all D:
Haiz! SPM will come in a blink of an eye
I must work hard for it!