Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

eh, the time is ticking
must work hard now
gotta stick to my old routine during SPM time
gotta memorize 3 pages of PA per day =.=

today I'm not in a good mood
first of all, of course
it's because my speaking test today
I feel that I screwed up the Task A - Individual Presentation
I'd little points to say, which only amounted to 1 mins and 30 secs like that
and then my language was. hm shall I say, terrible?
I wasn't not the usual self of me that time
Terrible in a sense that I didn't think properly before saying
it means that my sentence structure had got some mistake
Task B was quite ok
I was able to come up with idiom and good phrase
which had the examiners stunned
well, I noticed their reaction
maybe I wasn't so outstanding in Task A
that's what I could tell from the examiners' awe-in-surprise face
well, this is really making me moody all the day
plus having to stay back help teacher wash car as part of our stupid coco
fueled my moody disposition which then amounted to my anger
so I was quite pissed off when washing the damned car
I felt like we were being exploited
and we Science class students didn't get the chance to use to hose
and we were like some sort of peasants taking water from other place
laboriously taking it to the car to pour some water on it
what the f**k
then I couldn't wait to go home
luckily Yuen Kun gave me a ride

but then after such moody half-day
I took a nap
then there I saw my mum
and know what?
She bought me a cloth
this indeed soothed my mood a bit
but still I'm also worry about my speaking performance
I'm still preoccupied with it now D:
I can't get it off my mind, really
Now I can only stay positive as possible as I can
as there are still 3 tests to contend with
particularly listening, reading and writting
fuck, I don't wanna retake the exam again
I feel like this form 6 life doesn't go the way I expect
having to retake some subjects for Sem 1 is already burdensome
now is the English test, haizzz What the Shit!
Why is it like that? D:
never mind, I believe when there's a will, there's a way
Now I must look forward
hope my other 3 tests could help me to compensate the marks lost in speaking
haizzz it seems like
The more you expect, the more you'd likely be disappointed.

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