Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas !!!
On the contrary, on this very holy day
I feel as if my spirit is full with vigor again ! :D
So different from what I've been through a few days ago....

Hm, Wednesday went back to KL lo :/
this time went back with mum only
at first, we were like
After hesitating for almost 2 hours,
finally we decided that we must go back
so that our 2012 seems complete.

Ironically, the trio of us get to hang out before the expected apocalypse
Yean, Min and I
haha, just a few days to our 10 years friendship anniversary LOL!
Damn, I sacrificed my time to hang out with them
so I didn't have the chance to hang out with the boys ~~
because Friday, I was going to leave KL

So, these are our photos

Two noobs eating burgers xD, Vitamin's face so 不屑hahaha.

Two 傻婆 walking in front of me, who could have thought they were lesbian! ( Aiya, always like that de la, hang out with them only to left me neglected trudging behind ~ ) 

Peeping guys' toilet? o.O

Intend to electrify me but failed :/

Three of us :) 

As requested by me

My playmate / prank mate / bully target since Standard 3

Act lady-like xD

Their real behaviour ~


The photos were taken in Sunway Pyramid
Too bad, we didn't get to sing k together 
because I was rushing back for lunch 
Last but not least, we gossip about our former primary classmates LOL
Lastly, thanks to Droisyer and Vincent
because those jokes that I'd been through
seem to work on them LOL! xD 
And then, they waved goodbyes to me 
and then they were nowhere to be seen any more
what remained was only the din of passing vehicles and the crowd...

Btw, at night, we went to Mid Valley
haiz, feel so pathetic for Johor 
see how they use the avenues  : 

Altogether there are a total of 4 courts in Mid Valley
but we were too tired to go all of it to take photos 
because we have to rush for our 3rd round - Supper

And then the day finally comes
which is time to say goodbye, Friday :)
Seriously, I'd been through this for erm.. 3 times, this is the 4th time 
But I've no idea why am I feeling so sad
you know...
When you go to somewhere where you're originated from can be so disconcerting..
Before I left, I take the chance to take a glimpse on these few photos
and the flashback starts to play like a video tape in my mind...

If I'm not mistaken, this photo was taken in a zoo when I was standard 2. The woman is my babysitter, who has taken care of me since I don't know when, but now she is engulfed by frailty. How time flies....

It was until the three of them came to this world. And we used to play together, despite our age gap, when I come to my babysitter's house. But this time they were not around :/

My sis's grad :) 

Haha, she looks so short ! 

The chair that we use to grab to sit...

And the house that was once give me the feel of I'm home...

Sigh, light is running at a speed or 300,000,000 meters per second..
So I waved goodbye to this house 
and hugged my babysitter ( the usual formalities :x ) 
at that instant, I saw my mum's face was red, so did I
involuntarily, my eyes were filled with tears
so full that they're going to fall
and I knew that If I flip my eyelids or simply close it
I could no longer conceal my weakness
because the tears will flow out.
I must do something to stifle my emotion
just like I always did when I couldn't pluck up the courage
to confess to the girl that I like
So instead, I countered back and let the tears
converged into a river
and let them flow in my body. 

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