Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Nowadays I hav an urge to grow up ><
I don't know why
Maybe I'm really tired of being a student
who only studies everyday
just to get fly colours
get admitted to renowned varsities
graduated with a cert
and seek for employment

Life is so boring
tomorrow I'm gonna attend that stupid "tuition marathon"
and then tiredly come back home
take a nap for awhile
and then continue with my work
Argh! The maths assignment I have no idea how to do the introduction and conclusion~!
Nvm, will go and copy from someone else on Monday
probably is Li Ting d lor?
Who's more outstanding than both of us? =.=

Sian, how I wish my fellow former classmates to be taking STPM with me
I can find no one for revision
for clarification on projects, works, assignments, homework ><
but only Li Ting
a girl whom I seldom talk to for the past years
Speaking of her
I have no idea why the class always thinks that I'm very suitable with her
Seriously, I've no chemistry with her xD
But it's ok if she's willing to play with me?
Just for the experience and fun
Oh ya, this is the kind of life that I'm seeking when I finish my hell-est study
Probably will be at the age or 25
$.$ Hope that I'm able to graduate from NUS
then I can earn SG Currency
then I can spend my money on whatever I like
Branded clothes, house, luxury cars, food at expensive restaurants... Travel
Lim Teh with my very very good friends ~~ :D
I even imagine myself having a wardrobe
to crammed in all the branded garments, from top to bottom
which range from clothes & bottoms, underwear, socks, shoes, wallets & watches
( well, I know this sounds girlish, but this is how a rich guy's home should look like
You typical dumb ass who thinks this is way too feminine )
women will be my last expenditure
seriously, I'm not that kind of guy who will spend on a woman
which I deem this action as very stupid
If the woman truly loves me, she will come to me no matter how poor I'm
but as said before
if it's for pleasure and fun, I'm willing to
cos' if don't enjoy at young age,
I won't be able to do all these things at twilight years.

Sorry, I digress too much xD
If I'm not mistaken, before the point at which I digressed is about Li Ting right? haha x)
Sometimes I really feel very embarrass lor
when the classmates presume that we're so matched ><
But let it be, this is SCHOOL LIFE :x
( Hell ya, my English and contents improved a lot xD )

Don't think I'm only good at studies
and only care about studies
what I do now is to prepare myself for a pleasureful life in the future
I admit that I've the talent in science, Maths and memorizing
so, I'll just make use of it which is gifted by God and my mum

Hm, actually I was reading chemistry
But suddenly I've an urge to post this
in case my feelings have gone and I can't write ~~
So, it's time to get back to reality now haha!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Let's see a summary of my little miserable holiday life :
Wake up, Eat, Drink Sleep
what more else?
Revision lor, sometimes chat with that sohai Droisyer Kent
Oya, went to a gathering with old classmates. 

Ok, despite my miserable life, let's talk about my "love life"
haha, ( So funny, I don't even have love life la, just things about relationship )
I found that, actually. There's really no chemical reaction between us x.x
Before that, let me add something  
I found that YQR is becoming prettier and prettier /.\
( Say first hor, I never like her =.= ) 
Idk why I think this way~ maybe it's because her charisma bah haha 
But I feel sad for someone also, who likes her
( Although Idk now he still likes YQR or not ) 

Talking about chemistry
Nowadays I really lost my enthusiasm in this kind of thing d  
And I'm really confuse that do I have chemical reaction with her  
Now my mood is like I really have no interest in this kind of thing d =.= 
And I've lost my enthusiasm in girls d. really =.=  
I just want to flirt around 
But what I need to do now is study first =.=
Then only I can get money and flirt around ~~ 

Conclusion : I'm not looking forward for a true love 

Monday, August 6, 2012

*Testing testing
Why now my blog post can't be written in "poem form" ? =.=
o.O I think I found a way :P

Ok, the setting above is so not my mood
Let's talk about my Pre-U Life
It's quite fun la actually the school life
because my class is full of pranksters ahaha
Everytime lessons sure have a lot of jokes
and my friends and I are always up to many jokes :x

But sometimes despite the happy moments at school
when I've gone back to home,
I found that actually ... I'm quite lonely
Form 6 is really tough la
Overwhelm with mountainous homework.
The syllabus is quite hard also
A lot of difficult concepts, formulas
I found that it's actually the same with A-level
but what makes the difference is I'm pursuing this at a government institution
Haha, every time doing lab experiments
when encountering insufficient lab apparatus
I'll be sitting there, whining and complaining
"Aiya, government school is like that de la..."
Though, I'm still grateful that I met a lot of good people there

Seriously, every time when I'm doing my homework at home
I'm overwhelmed with a sense of lost
I'm really lonely
Because I feel like I'm the only contender in my own journey of life.
another thing is, I really don't find having a girlfriend appealing
haiz, no money, no car, geeky look
plus this is really not the suitable time to have a girlfriend.
Speaking of sense of lost, why?
I'm not sure what I've been doing now is worthy or not
Public speaking, Prefect, and more will be coming
I'm really lost ><
But doing nothing also doesn't do any good to be either
So, persevere it barh  :)

Finally, I found out that reason why I miss the past
Very long ago, I assume that I miss my friends in high school
but unfortunately, it's not
After I took my SPM cert, my whole life changed
the way I think, my philosophy
I miss the once naive, childish me
And not living in the fear of my future route
But after that day, which I took my SPM cert
Cruel realization struck me badly
yar.. Money rules the world
Without money, everyone can't survive.
Compare to my past,
as said before, I'm so naive that
I only know to study study
and I study without many worries
Now I'm in a situation in which
Does my hard work guarantee me a successful future?!
Does it worth my investment ?
Well, my participation in public speaking is the first approach
Being a prefect is the second approach.
and more and more will be coming
I really miss the past, the time when I'm living in a pleasant world
I really do not know why am I feeling in this way and doing so much thing
to show that I'm the strongest among my friends? Yes, maybe

an unchangeable fate
written by God
Honestly, I did not blame my fate
I'm still in search of the valuable values that I can reap in this arduous voyage.

That's all I wanna express
though I do not even give a damn to who's following my blog or reading it
it just simply serves as a platform for me to confide in.

"God wouldn't give yourself up if you haven't given up yourself"