Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Yesterday night
I was flipping here and there
and thought of many things ..

I'm still
wearing a mask always
comparing Wern Yean with my other recent friends
I don't even wear a mask, or maybe a thin one
when I'm with Yean
but with other friends?
I'm always wearing a mask
which seems pure and innocent, maybe thick too, to others
but it might not be the one that the mask itself expected by others

Never mind the fact that it's like that
With Yean, I can talk a lot, even joke
and teasing each other
though it does the same for me and my other friends
but there's something lack of, which until now,
I still can barely recognize what it's

I confide a lot to her, more to the extend of me confiding to my friend
and I think she did the same too
once she told me a secret
and said that I may not reveal the secret to others
and I laughed at her that I'd no one to reveal to

I'm still very good in terms of speaking with my current friends
but still, some thing is lack of at there
With her, I feel I'm more 'same class' with her
and she will listen and give some comments
maybe, "in exchange"
she'll told me some of her secrets too :)
that'd not be much barrier setting up between us
or if it does, the barrier is just a breakable one
whereas it's not the same if I'm with my current friends

I have come to this mind at the end of my thoughts
I don't need many friends
though I don't have many also
I had my mum, a home like this
and a very good confidante like her
I'm blessed.
who said one needs to have a lot of friends to live a happy life?

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