Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day by day
I'm losing my enthusiasm in my job D:
But I can't deny that
this place makes me laugh the most haha!
especially those childish primary school students ^^
and some naughty kindergarten kids
keep bleah me when I go behind to have my dinner
at night was ok, but not teaching pri school students again =.=
coz they really very noisy la, can't stand it
and today I damn happy coz
The noisy king, or so called 2012 best actor by Teacher Lim
stay back at school!
and then from 6 to 7.30 as usual lor
my pretty girls kena robbed by warden d
fine lor ^^
but I was instructed to take care of those kindergarten again

but come to think of it
this job is quite ok compared with the stupid book shop

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