Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My zeal for study grew stronger~
I don't know why~ Haha
Time is passing fast~
left 4 weeks for me to prepare ><
and 8 weeks more to suffer!
Today is the day which I made good use of my time the most
sitting in the class, doing revisions
and my talks with friends
are mostly about SPM things

nowadays I'm doing past year questions voraciously @.@
Now it's really not a suitable time to rewind!
wait 8 weeks more ^^ hehe
Today I saw those who were taking PMR
return home
with their face smiling triumphantly, joyfully
I started to envy them
though I experienced it two years ago
now I think they must be party-ing !!!
hm and how about me?
Doing revisions at home lor...

they just don't know the real world yet
I bet their life will be turning upside down
when their exams are mostly subjective
when they turned Secondary 4. xD
Well I wanna say that
let's have the last laugh after 8 weeks!

Friday, October 7, 2011

I found back my zeal in study ler
it turned out to be
I have to rush those exercises that I've not finished!
past year questions + trial exams from different states
(it's uncountable =.=
a good analogue is like counting sugar crystals in a bowl of sugar )
haiz no choice
now I became very worry ler =.=
I scared I 4got bout the facts
and answer wrongly during exams

now I'm going to do my job as a good student again~
my aim for today is 2007 past year questions
for Bio, Chemistry and Physics

haiz, I won't want to chat in class again! =.=
I choose to do add maths exercise in class
so that I could drain my concentration to studies
instead of chatting . D:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

haiz, so many days after trial
I'm still not in a mood to study
how ? /.\
I find that
the frequency of me playing computers
is the highest after every exams
I think it's because I was too tense up
when preparing for exams...

I think now I'm going to study again
tomorrow school again
boring.... *Yawn*
how funny
I feel like giving up my life
after I fight for so many years
when now my life had reached the 'semi-climax'
( >< I'm not sure when's the climax of my life, so I said semi instead )
I really lose my zeal in study =.=
But I'm not gonna let this pull me down
But how can I ignite my enthusiasm in study, and in life?

Today was quite panic :x
1st time I do a MC job
today I attended the 'Majlis Daya Student Leader Congress'
me and Grace be the co-MC ><
not bad la, can learn some experience from it.
D: But I never eat to my extent la
when I went back to my seat to eat
the workers took my plate away already D:

say real
sometimes I fear to be failed in life ><
and sarcastically
I'm lazy . hehe
so I have to reach an equilibrium between these 2 aspects la.
playing . fighting for excellence ...
Hope SPM faster finish la ~ @.@