Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Friday, April 29, 2011

sorry to post twice a day
coz really can't control my enthusiasm LOL :x

The 2 kids always very cute and funny de la =.=
everyday in school I always think of them.
sometimes I will be humming their songs
And the first thing I do when I reach home is
play with them 1st.
Sometimes I like to make them cry
erm in this context it means that,
My naughty nephew very naughty and he's a green-eyed monster
everytime when I sit very close with my mum
he will buay song and say : 我没有位了!
actually I purposely did that one xP
Coz when he flirts with us damn cute =.=
That's why I have a strong desire of making him cry or what
coz very cute lor!
Aiya U not me u won't understand de
u live with them U will know ler :D

For example, I went sunway college and get a star
I show off to them
and they quarrel over this star xP

and when eating something
have to hide in a corner eat one ;x
coz hor.. they will ask u to let them grab a bite
very mafan leh =.=
when they eat, will scatter on the floor or etc
and sometimes cannot let them eat too much
coz later they get sick
So everytime I hide when eating snacks or chocolate.
sometimes have to act like the snacks (food) very spicy
now they become smarter
this strategy not efficient anymore haha
Study. Study. Study
This is what I do everyday~ =.=
Let's drop this boring task.

On Wednesday, we went to Sunway College
to listen those craps about resume and etc etc
abit useful la I admit =.=
and then TD3 students also went there
they are like... the girls... their hair
don't show that they're students D:
Ok I have nothing to do with them ^^

17/05 is the Teacher's Day :O
Feel like doing performance with Grace :P
by the traditional way :P
means play violin lor
if Grace and I can't do a better song
we decided to play the easiest song - Canon in D by Patchebel
coz I want to get kerja amal marks mah hahas

Today I studied again
Hope my noob brain better remember what I had studied hor! =.=
Tomorrow I will continue to study like a nerd again D:
no choice la haiz.

In the other hand, our new class mate
name I think is called Nadya
sms me :x
I think is noob banana told her my hp number de
too bad no more credits I can't reply her
and I also kinda lazy reply la =.= haha
Tuesday I apologize for not replying lor
anyway, I got abit feel shuang coz she sms me :x
I didn't mean that I long for it
just that... erm.. very SHUAAANGGG LOR!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

ARGH?! Sat And sun pass in a blink of an eye
if it were to be weekdays jiu hao lor!
I'm going to become furious d!
when do I have to live like this?!
FINE I slowly wait D:

Today went CS with friends~
ate McDonald as lunch
watch movie.. HAHA damn funny man =.=
then go look for some nice clothes and bags .
then went econsave to buy oils
haiz, when did my blog turn out to be so dull ?

Monday, April 11, 2011

^_^ back to blog again
actually I have something buay song to share with
but before that I'll talk about other things 1st

@_@ long time no write blog ler.
nowadays very busy lor!
homework, revision
LOL when did I become so hardworking?
I remember during Form 4 I very lazy de lor
everyday only tag in audi =.=
homework ah... at sch faster finish
then go back home can TAG TAG TAG. No life~ HAHA
Nowadays really break record luu~
1 week can on audition less than 2 hours
if it were to be Form 1 to 3
I already beh tahan for not playing audition everyday! LOL
I also remember last time I used to play audition or noob maple
until very late... sometimes play with yean mei
that time can say like.
'Gaming Empire'
but since Form 4 november or form 5
I'm not interested in games, it doesn't seems very addicting to me liaos ~
I prefer facebook and blog more ler
I think it's a good thing for not playing ALOT of game

Last week went to pray for ancestors
hehe I very childish one mah :P
when burning the 'paper' ( Aiya I don't know what it called as HAHA )
I look at the burning paper
and I secretly wish for something haha
but cannot tell her or to whoever
coz later not nice ler :D
Got abit miserable la.
sleep on floor. so hard
the next morning my back pain .
aiya it's ok
have to respect my ah gong them mah..
hm... If this tradition ceases
Later I died ler who burn for me?!

Ok, nowadays I really buay song something
Fine . I stop scolding vulgar d
yue yuan said not good.
Haiz, really dulan how?! =.=
Fine, what I can say is wait and see
I really admire yue yuan la
can be so 'Saint-like'
Lastly, I'm not saint
I got dulan and irritated easily
but at least.
I try follow his doctrine
for not spouting any rude words no matter in what condition