Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

today is so tiring.
10.30 only wake up
got bit head ache
then my sister telephone ler.
aiya those crap lazy talk ^^

then we go a restaurant eat lor.
I ate a chicken rice.
not saying u :P ( min )
kinda spicy de haha
they order some breads
I also eat lor.
So this morning I ate alot
= breakfast + lunch le
pro hor? 2 meals eat in one haha.

then go aunt's house awhile lor
then go back home, going to rain le.
then sleep to heal my headache
then wake up to watch the naughties D:
they very funny de la haha

so sian argh! audi got stupid maintenance again.
then what i can do is wait D:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

holiday kinda sian xD
i never go work
anyway I don't want also
I want to prepare for SPM :P
hm.. I never read form 5 syllabus la
prepare here means that
I read story book lor...
to improve my English
I feel like my Chinese no hopez.
Nvm la. English is international language mah

I'm reading 2 books call
'Faith' and 'The Curse'
the 'The Curse' is my form 5 literature =.=
so lan.. haha.

hm. this holiday stay at home play audi
sleep, watch naughties
and read book lor...
kinda sian..
I really scare next year D:
Hope God will be always standing by me to help me :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

today is a freaking wonderful day!! HAHAHA
benlai hor, yesterday we planned to go badminton
but when today morning I woke up
I got muscle pain, so I sms Vincent I don't want go liao
In school they very sad lor. coz I never go xP

Then suddenly Ah Ye asked want to City Square (CS) watch movie bo
so sudden eh! LOL!
I of course say..
"Har.. Don't want la, next time mah, you guys suddenly say nia"
then we discuss and discuss
then we decided to go!
we never ask other ppl go, out secret plan xD
whne Leo come 38, we acted we don't want go for movie liao

So 1.15 I reached home
rush until.... =.=
bathe, eat maggie mee
then ZTing come my house fetch me xD
then we go meet with Vincent, Ah Ye, and others...
actually, not only my class frens go only =.=
other class de also got ._.
so just say Hi lor LOL.

Okay, the bus fee is RM2.30 to CS lol.
hm ok la.. affordable what.
then we reached there liao
go buy cinema ticket ( Megamind )
hm it's a nice movie la hahas.
coz this is 2nd time go CS
is also 1st time go CS with frens.
so they introduce the "Beauty of Johor shopping complex" to me lor haha

after movie, (5pm) U know what we do?
we go play Audition.
nolanola LOL joking only
the Audition here means
Damn fun, and they help me design
and they said
Lol coz they everyday see my results so pro
and my appearance... xD know what means right?
they help me choose clothes
I go changed it
then come out and they help me take pictures xD

After tired in this game liao
we go McDonald stay awhile to chit chat
until 8pm =.=
damn worry me that time u know?!
coz I told my mum that I will be back home for dinner
but so late ler.
U guess how late I go back home?
9.30 pm..
today is like very fun but not tiring LOL
coz keep play nia
From 5am wake up, to sch until 1.15
go back home, bath, eat and str8 went CS

we're so lucky that we caught the bus at 8.30 pm =.=

anyway, there's 1 more thing I would like to share xD
Miss Hilmah gave me, Yue Yuan and Sharifah RM50 each
u know why?
coz our Bio test A+

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

woo hoo
Now I want make a small summary on my exams har. k?

Maybe my place and table fengshui not good wtf
ok I tell u how fxxx is it.

Physics - Because careless write wrong law, the P/T is pressure's Law, I go write Charles' Law, and the calculation I also put V/T, in fact there's no V provided in the question, by the way my calculation still is Pressure divide by Temperature.

Bio - The moment I passed up the paper, the moment I knew I circle the wrong answer

Chemistry - Still ok =.= And I challenge myself to do salts in essay part

Maths - NEVER READ QUESTION PROPERLY .so 1 question wrong ler. wtf

Add maths - When calculating composite index, forgot to divide the degrees by 360 to find its weightage.

haizz, how come can I so careless?! damn annoying =.=

Anyway, behind the bad things, always have things that are good
Today Just received my BM and Sej Paper
89 in BM
96 in Sej
Anyway, nothing to proud of
coz Sej Kali gave us tips =.=
Hahas.. =.=!!

Wahahahas at least the exam is over liao
the big stone in my heart is finally removed.
Is time for the pimple living on my face to vanished ler HAHA!
coz during exam days very late sleep.
I hope I can get 9A's for this time exam
Chinese get A or B I don't care also de hahas
but of course I hope A, But I know my own ability D:

Yay tomorrow can cut my hair ler :P
Thursday go Qin Rui's house for BBQ leh xD
Me, ZiHau, CCC and Vincent said liao will wear same shirt same shorts
xD, they all sure zadao de
coz we do this in secret mah
Can't wait for the party xD