Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Haizz, that Hamid Kuah keeps on glamorize me as the person who won the district level public competition. Being glamorized this way I feel very speechless =.= and I really don't intend to go any further already, just let it be :) Things that don't belong to me are not something that I can fight for it because after all, at the very beginning I just want the experience of public speaking. So I'll still try my best to speak at the state level, no choice >< I think I'd just ignore everyone like Grace and the teachers that are so keen to see me SOAR further and higher. So that's why Hamid Kuah glamorize me this way is a bit '....' . Hm so.. Teachers you're putting your hope and faith in the wrong person but I bet there're no other better person than me right? ^.^ this does cheer me a bit but still, I'll try my best lorrrrr -.- Now my weakness is that there are some words I couldn't pronounce it like the English does. Wait, why am I pondering upon that? -.- but the teachers will AGAIN call me for training, ditch away my mother tongue. Haizz sorry la if I couldn't win this but I really don't know why am I feeling so uneasy and sad if I couldn't win this state level D: this happens the day before the district level. Humans are selfish :) if I don't put a stop and go on, my academic will REALLY left a lot to be desired. But fine =.= I accept the challenge and tell myself that it's going to be alright after next DAUNTING Saturday, the day when the state level public speaking competition is going to be held. That time my life will be reverted to normal, FACEBOOK Marathon! Movies Marathon! and last but not least, those STUPID abandoned homework!!! Just 1 week more x.x I'll not surrender to you =.= and yupzz, NUS and your scholarship please don't fail me and make my sacrifices worth please.

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