Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Sunday, May 13, 2012

It has been a week since the commencement of Secondary 6 But why did I still feeling boring? =.= Everyday I take a step into that school And I'm flinching by the awful thought of being in this school again well, come to think of it this is not the school problem or what it's my problem seriously I'm FUCKING sick of the environment surrounding me I don't know should I say the friends, the school or the teachers It's just I hate myself having to resort to taking Sec 6 whereas all my well-to-do friends are having a good time at colleges or other places with no worries of what their future might be. Why am I so sick of everything? I've yet to figure it out But one thing for sure MONEY, which is the root of evil is still ruling the world and it never stops ruling the world My life is really full of uncertainties I'm not sure whether can I make it to my dream or not I'm sick of everything D: My surrounding environment My friends Not because my friends are really bad or what It's just myself I find myself don't really chit-chat a lot at school like I used to last times Because what? The cruel realization that money never stops ruling the world Erhm, come to think of it I'm really lucky to have a "sohai" to seek solace of in Skype every night Actually, I don't really tell him everything But I don't really know what sustains the relationship between him and me Maybe he's in the same situation with me SICK OF EVERYTHING AROUND US BHAHAHAHAH! I hope myself never being born to this world But since I was granted this chance to being born to this "beautiful" world I would never give up ... To give up would mean surrender to my fate God? I still believe God although starvation, famine, injustice are prevalent everywhere And I'd strive for the best to keep Him writing my success story and I'm more than just one piece in this story :x (Sorry, my sense of humour still haven't die out huh?)

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