Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Tada! Back to blogging again out of boredom.
Again, this blog still serves as my personal platform to express my feelings, views and perspectives, my personal affairs, etc etc

Lately many things ( to me it is many things ) happened!
First, it's the announcement of my Year 1 Semester 2 exam result
By the way, what is so big deal about the release of result isn't about what I got 
(Well, I got a meagre 4.74, don't flame me please, I really thought I can at least secure a 4.9x) 
So before digressing further, I reiterate I'm not really gonna emphasize more on my result ha
She didn't even bother to ask anything about my results
Sometimes it really makes me feel like as if all this while
I have always been the one who is hovering over her 
She didn't even ask anything about me, not even what I've been doing lately 
Yea, I admit that I kinda feel sad about that
I still cannot forget her, and it's almost 2 years 
I haven't moved on, I haven't forgotten how she made me feel 
I've always been thinking of her, EVERY DAMN TIME 
And she doesn't seem to show any concerns on my life
I'm super selfish and at the same time foolish
I hope she would reciprocate my feelings on her
But she doesn't, and I'm fed up
Right now I just want to take a break and stop thinking about her

Enough of my feelings towards a girl
As of today, I really have no idea what my colleagues are thinking about
What I mean here is, what the fuck is really in their head?
Like my supervisor, I asked her to bill for a customer while she was "going frenzy" with her business with the computer
Then she was like : What? You don't know how to bill?
Funny, how can people be so weird? 
You're my supervisor, and it's very unlikely that a blue-collared worker like me would ask you to do the job for me   
She pek chek for what? If I know how to bill, will I ask you to do the job for me? 
Then she said something like this
"Do you know how busy am I? There are so many people to ask and why don't you ask them blah blah? You don't know how to bill is it, come and learn now, etc etc"
And not to mention a "micro-manager" that was assigned to me as my mentor ever since the first day I worked there
Amazingly, she is like, she just has that aura of being a micro-manager
It's like everything I did can generate so much comments from her 
For instance, once I greeted a customer and lead them to somewhere comfortable for a sit with 2 sofas, somewhere which is farther than the other seats where the customers are sitting
Then she was like : Hey, next time when many customers are sitting at a certain area, you lead the new customers to seats in that area k? Like that easier for you to collect their plates when the customers leave right? This is logic, isn't it? 
Hello, may I ask you, how the heck can I ever come to this uncanny thinking of yours?
I always prioritize the customers' comforts okay? 
If you were the customers, where would you want to sit? 
Does it matter if the customers sit farther a little away?
After all collecting plates is also my job and you don't have to do it anyway ok?
So in conclusion : They are very weird ~.~
Ok, enough of my ranting.