Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hehe, Happy Chinese New Year Eve!
I've always wanted to blog recently but found no time to do it
And today suddenly I've the "urge" to blog to share some of my thoughts D:

Where to start with? Hm...
I'm currently working as an administrator at a tuition center
somehow in someway I felt I betrayed Mr Chew haha
Looking back at all the power Chemistry notes makes me miss the Form 6 times
despite that arduous period in my life
to cope with so many things, er hm, only I'm aware of what are the "things"

My job as an administrator is far more relaxed than I first thought or expected. Generally, it's just receiving calls, liaise with teachers who come in, and prodding those students to pay their damn fees ( Well, this is really frustrating, they're always due and it's not good if me, an admin keep prodding them to pay their due fees ). But it turned out that the my current situation is rather more complacent than I thought, due to not many people come to that center. There, I met a dedicated teacher call Mrs Teoh who taught Mathematics T. I tell myself that if I'd known her earlier, I'd have attend her tuition classes. What a loving, responsible and dedicated teacher she is. So, during my free times, like 4 hours plus, I spent time reading newspaper and English book. Ha, hope my English will show a tremendous improve in the future! Nowadays, I'm reading a book called "Total Recall" telling about the lives of Arnold Schwarzeneggar, amount to 600+ pages. It's not a biography, it's sort of his stories in a more intriguing way, and that keeps my interest in that book going. And damn-ly, I forgot to bring it back to read the remaining pages left during this CNY period.

Hm... So my off day ends on next Thursday, as Mrs Teoh's class resumes on next Friday. And this Sunday I'm going to JPO with RINA~~~~~~~~ Couldn't be more excited than ever. Honestly, I find CNY less "appealing" to me anymore, at least for now. I've no idea why do I think this way. I never felt home in JB, nor other places. There aren't any places that offer a sense of home or a sense of belonging to me, really. I admit I miss KL, but that only disconcerts me as how I used to live in KL, compared to how I used to live now. It's not that I despise here, I don't despise anyone or any place ( I don't even despise FPT ). I just need a home, and nothing seems to offer me that feeling. I even said to myself that the only person who could offer this feeling to me is my future wife. I want to leave here and start a new life at other places. I decided that it would either be Singapore, KL or overseas. Johor has way too little job opportunities to me. Seriously, CNY is just a mere holidays for me, nothing.

It kind of upsets me when my dream to further my studies overseas is dimmed. Of course, due to financial constraints, even with JPA schoalrship. I'm really sad, but again, as I told you, I don't despise anyone, I don't despise my mum who can't help me, no anyone. Studying in UK is exorbitantly expensive, as I counted, the 4 years period would consume more than RM350,000, an amount which can be used to purchase a car or a posh car. So, parents who send their children to study in UK are really rich to hell! So, for the time being, I stop "dreaming" for awhile and settle for peace..... Working > Reading > Online > Sleep and the cycle repeats itself over and over again. I really need sometime of my own to go for a vacation :)