Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue

Friday, December 20, 2013

Suddenly feel like blogging =D
Hm I've deleted one of my immature post about something, not to mention it here

How's life? ( asking myself )
Seriously, found nothing fond or appealing after the arduous STPM ended
Feel happy though, however, having to think of the future really tires me a lot
First, I'm not born with a silver spoon in my mouth
of course have to find a university which courses offered I can afford
btw, why do I take STPM at the first place?
so that my options upon completion of it are wider
well, it isn't any wider because of "financial problems" haha
Money rules the world yeah.
Then there are also some uncertainties in the engineering courses that I've to deal with
so far have not decided which discipline I want to specialize in
and then there is the scholarship to think of
the interview, the questions the interviewer are gonna bombarded to me
to test my knowledge, command of language and everything ...
life is so tiring without much money huh?
not to mention, unhappiness too
but wait, happiness is very subjective isn't it?
Don't worry, I'm quite happy lar :)
I was just reporting on how "good" my life is nowadays ...
Never mind
Btw, am quite eager to know my STPM results
and is the ARASHI treat to FPT possible
actually I will also treat her if the conditions are not met la =.=
always fetch me, no need ji jiao so much

These few days I've been busy typing notes for future tuition teaching materials ><
Am not sure why I put so much efforts in it
But will try my best to make a living eh?
haha, life is quite boring also nowadays
just need some excitements
and I guess I've forgotten her completely?
hm, hope so
Sickening mind me
Have to move on
Dwelling on the past won't help but only hinder myself from advancing forward.
Seems like my maturity has grown an inch, but not height